Reasons for the explosion of sealed garbage truck

What is knocking, a sealed garbage truck diesel engine, when the gas mixture enters the combustion chamber on the intake stroke, the piston compresses the piston during the compression stroke. After the spark plug ignites the high pressure gas mixture, the pressure generated by the combustion is converted into The power of the engine. The combustion of the engine is very complicated, so it needs to have a very precise design and control. If there is a slight control mistake or an abnormality, it will cause abnormal combustion, and “knocking” is an abnormal combustion. Simply put, knocking is the abnormal pressure in the combustion chamber caused by abnormal combustion. Therefore, drivers of sealed garbage trucks must be careful not to drive garbage trucks according to the process.

The main reason for the knocking is the following: In order to make the piston immediately after the compression TDC end, the power can be obtained as soon as it enters the power stroke, usually before the piston reaches TDC. However, too early ignition will cause most of the oil and gas to burn when the piston is still in the compression stroke. At this time, the unburned oil and gas will withstand extreme pressure auto-ignition and cause knocking. When we use the sealed garbage truck, we must use it normally to prevent mistakes caused by misuse and affect the entire use of the vehicle.

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