Application shed: Compressed air technology for Confucian PET bottle processing systems In the plastics industry, especially in the PET (ethylene terephthalate) bottle manufacturing workshop, the demand for compressed air is indispensable.
In the PET industry, the requirements for compressed air are very special.
PET bottle processing equipment uses high pressure air during the blow molding process. The cylinder portion of the device also requires compressed air to drive the various components. Due to the different requirements for compressed air and the need for compressed air at other stations in the shop, the process of selecting a complete, reliable and energy efficient compressed air system becomes very important.
Due to the oversupply of PET resin on the market, the price is getting cheaper and cheaper, which will enable manufacturers of packaged products to adopt PET bottles instead of other packaging forms for economic reasons.
In PET industrial applications, there are two situations in which compressed air is used. They are working gas and blow molding gas. Production equipment suppliers have detailed requirements for the gas demand for working gas and blow molding gas.
It is very versatile, and it can blow a variety of PET containers by simple mold change. Since the large gas volume fluctuation will not only affect the selection of the booster unit, but also affect the selection of the low pressure compressor, it is necessary to determine the maximum gas volume of the pressurized air.
Working gas is used to drive the cylinder. The pressure is usually between 0.7~lMPa (7 ~ lObar) gauge pressure depending on the type of PET equipment.
The blow molding gas is mainly used for stretching and blow molding the heated pre-formed parts according to the mold specifications. Depending on the capacity of the bottle/container, the amount of gas required will vary. The pressure of the blow molding gas is related to the physical properties of the bottle/container produced, and the range generally fluctuates between 1.5 and 43 bar) gauge pressure.
For both hard and thick container production, higher pressures are required, and for softer and thinner bottles/containers, lower pressures are required.
It is precisely because of this combination of working gas and blow molding gas for different pressures that we are able to introduce Caesar's unique design in this application field.
This design is a complete, holistic approach that provides the best combined efficiency solution for initial investment and operating costs. In short, this solution is specifically designed for the overall reliability and maximum productivity of the user.
When designing a compressed air system for a PET plant, the following points should be clarified: The most important thing is to clarify the range of specifications for the bottle to be produced. The company may need lower pressure compressed air at the beginning and then high pressure compressed air, or the opposite of this application. This problem becomes more complicated if the shop moves from making smaller bottles/containers to producing larger bottles or containers.
Although such production modifications or product increases are limited by the maximum capacity of the equipment, the shop must be able to accommodate such product modifications or additions. Once you get this information. The maximum and maximum pressure of the high pressure air can be determined.
The second point that needs to be determined is the amount of gas and the lowest pressure of the low-pressure working gas. This determination will help determine the theoretical population pressure at which the supercharger is operating and the theoretical inlet air volume at that pressure. With this information, the total gas volume of the low-pressure working gas and the configuration of the supercharger can be determined.
However, please note that when the pressure on the suction side of the supercharger rises, the volume of the supercharger will increase. Since the requirements for the control gas are not very high, it is recommended to select a point where the pressure is relatively low on the low pressure side to supply the control gas.
When selecting a booster unit, it is necessary to consider the standby unit. If this is difficult to achieve due to budget or installation space constraints, the size of the supercharger should be designed to ensure a maximum operating factor of no more than 60%.
When selecting a low-pressure screw air compressor, when the working pressure is higher than the inlet pressure required by the selected booster, the amount of excess air that the existing air compressor can provide should be considered. The excess air volume can be used to compensate for the amount of air required at the low pressure inlet side of the supercharger. When designing the overall control of the workshop, it is also necessary to consider the model and manufacturer of the existing air compressor.
When choosing several options, you should consider achieving the lowest initial investment and long-term operating costs. The working pressure of the screw air compressor should be at least 1MPa (lObar) gauge pressure.
After analyzing and confirming the above points, Caesar can design a perfect compressed air supply system composed of a screw air compressor, a supercharger, and a dryer and a filter to achieve safety. reliable. Efficient operation to meet the growing demand of the PET processing industry and related industries.
In particular, the unique design of the Caesar supercharger, suitable for the inlet air pressure range of 0.5, is increasingly used in the PET processing industry and related industries, and is also leading the way in safety, reliability and productivity. Subject to
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