Pregnant travelers have no worry

Today, a pregnant traveler deliberately asks the airport because he is concerned that X-rays from airport security will affect his fetus. In response, the airport stated that there is no "radiation" at airport security gates and pregnant women do not have to worry too much.

Security personnel explained that there are indeed many passengers who have concerns when passing through security gates , such as pregnant women, patients with pacemakers, and even travelers who worry that credit cards, cell phones, watches, cameras and other items will be affected, but they will fail. This kind of concern is unnecessary and there is no need to panic. Civil aviation security inspection gates and metal detectors are all passed strict inspections and meet safety standards.

Passenger safety standards, which obtain high resolution through digital signal processing that senses parasitic currents and homogenizes the magnetic field, but the field thickness of the emitted field is very low, for patients wearing pacemakers, infirm persons, pregnant women, magnetic field media and others. Some electronic devices are harmless and passengers can rest assured that they will pass the security check.

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