全球LED灯价格稳步下降 智能照明引领趋

 根据研究机构集邦科技(TrendForce)旗下的LEDinside最新LED灯泡零售价调查显示,今年(2014年)2月,全球取代40W的 LED灯泡零售均价呈现约0.8%微幅下跌,达到15.1美元。其中美国地区价格下跌最为明显。取代60W的LED灯泡全球均价呈现2.1%小幅下跌,达 到20.8美元。   取代40W商品美国均价大幅下跌,取代60W商品全球价格平稳下滑   2月份美国地区取代40W的商品价格下跌最为明显。均价呈现11%大幅下跌。原有商品部份价格下调,且新增品项价格较低。如Walmart自有品牌 Great Value的7W全周光球泡灯,光通量为470lm,售价仅为8.48美元。CREE的6W、450lm可调光球泡灯2月份价格也降至7.49美元。此 外,飞利浦的部份灯泡价格也出现下调。   取代40W的灯泡部份,中国地区的商品价格2月呈1.9%下降,原有部份商品价格下调,如三星6.9W、490lm球泡灯,本月价格由19.5美金下降至约12.5美金,且提供3年质保服务。   取代60W的商品部份,各地区价格基本呈现稳定下跌趋势。而美国地区价格呈2.6%上涨,但原有商品价格仍呈现稳定或下跌趋势,主要因部份高价品项 回归市场导致均价上涨,如Lighting Science 13.5W球泡灯,光通量为800lm,此前暂时停止售卖,本月重新出售,售价为20.6美元。   一线厂商积极推出新品,智能照明为未来产品趋势   LEDinside观察到,全球LED球泡灯价格稳步下降的同时,各一线品牌厂商也在纷纷追求性能的提升。目前在北美市场上,90%的品牌灯泡具备 调光功能;70%产品为全周光灯泡。而欧洲市场近期推出的新品也大部份具有全周光功能。此外,智慧控制的导入也为各家厂商今年发展重点。飞利浦的Hue灯 泡已正式在中国市场开始售卖,而三星也于近日宣布将推出新款LED智慧灯泡,其中内置蓝牙,通过智能手机或平板应用即可控制亮度及色温。   LEDinside认为,一线品牌产品性价比的提升将促进各区域市场的加速规范与整合,而智慧照明也将成为未来照明产品的主要发展趋势之一。而在目 前阶段,智能灯泡的市场价格及消费者接受度仍为阻碍产品普及的关键因素。因此,如何实现性能与价格的平衡,也为目前各一线照明厂商极需解决的问题。

Notching Machine

Adjustable angle hydraulic notching machine

1.According to the shear plate thickness are automatically blade gap adjustable device

2.Machine ,electrical ,liquid franchising shear angle adjusting mechanism


1.The thing that sets our corner notchers apart from other sheet metal equipment out there is our patented blade gap adjustment that allows the operator to cut different thickness without any adjustments needed by the operator. This allows our blades to last longer and gives us a nice burr free cut.

2.Our machines shear with the blades in the negative position as well as the positive position. Which one you use is based on which part you want to keep, the finished part pulled from the machine (best is Negative) or the dropped piece (best is Positive). Negative cut allows for less deformation on the finished part. Negative cutting clamps the sheet metal down so there isn't any movement. Positive cutting will want to move the sheet away from the stops allowing for room for error.

3.The stop guides have dove tail grooves in the tail that allows for a tighter more secure guide setting, allowing our machine more accuracy and repeatability.

Notching Machine, Hydraulic Notching Machine, Manual Notching Machine

JINAN EURO-ASIA MACHINERY CO., LTD , https://www.sdwindingmachine.com