Intelligent Control of Intelligent Climate Room

The intelligent artificial climate room (namely, the hot and humid room) is a large-scale test equipment for detecting mechanical, electronic and electrical materials and products adapting to the natural environment, and can simulate natural climate changes (mainly changes in temperature and humidity). In recent years, domestic and international introduction of intelligent climate control room hot and humid room microcomputer control, to replace the traditional instrument control, and more to adopt PID control program, although it can achieve a certain control index, but the parameter setting and commissioning workload is extremely large and robust It is difficult for the user-defined working curve to work. The intelligent artificial climate room control system is a multivariate cosmopolitan system. It is a new subject in the field of control to implement artificial intelligence control of such systems without relying on accurate mathematical models.

The intelligent artificial climate room control system uses APPLE II as the host. The system contains three control channels - the main room temperature control channel, the main room humidity control channel, and the jacket temperature control channel. In the system, heating is electric heating, humidification is electric humidification, and uniform continuous control. Refrigeration and dehumidification need to start the cold machine for switch control. In order to select the cooling capacity, the main cooling and the folder cooling are divided into three levels.

The intelligent artificial climate room is a slow variable due to temperature and humidity. In order to simplify the circuit and debug, the scheme of sharing the amplifier and A/D converter is adopted, and the sample-and-hold circuit is omitted. Intelligent control does not depend on the mathematical model of the controlled object, and can make full use of human experience knowledge, skills and intuition reasoning, with high promotion value and broad application prospects.

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