Arrester Tester Type Arrester Tester Use Caution

The arrester tester, as the name suggests, is a product for testing lightning arresters. What about the arrester tester? Usually we did not understand, then we will come together to understand it!

Arrester tester principle

After the input current voltage is digitally filtered, the fundamental wave is taken out, and the peak value of the resistive current fundamental wave Ir1p=Ix1p.cosφ is then calculated by the projection method. Because the fundamental wave value is stable, Ir1p is widely used to measure the performance of the arrester. The total current fundamental peak value Ix1p is projected as Ir1p in the direction of the fundamental wave U1 (E1), and is projected as Ic1p in the vertical direction. φ is the phase angle of the current-voltage fundamental wave, which contains the selected compensation angle (Figure 7). Therefore, using φ and Ir1p can directly measure the MOA performance.

Arrester tester type

1. Induction mode: An electric field sensor is installed on the base of the MOA. Its induced electric field (bar voltage) is advanced by 90°. After the integration operation, it is in phase with the electric field strength or the bus voltage. Therefore, the signal of the electric field sensor can be used as the signal. Measurement reference. The instrument inputs the electric field induction sensor signal, and inputs the MOA current signal at the same time, can obtain the electric field fundamental wave E1, electric current fundamental wave peak value Ix1p and electric current electric field angle Φ after Fourier transformation. The in-phase component of the electric field is the peak current of the resistive current (Ir1p), and the quadrature component is the peak value of the fundamental current of the capacitive current (Ic1p).

2nd, wired mode: The instrument inputs PT secondary voltage as the reference signal, simultaneously inputs the MOA current signal, through the Fourier transformation may obtain the voltage fundamental wave U1, the electric current fundamental wave peak value Ix1p and the electric current voltage angle Φ. Therefore, the voltage in-phase component is the resistive current fundamental peak (Ir1p), and the quadrature component is the capacitive current fundamental peak (Ic1p).

3. Wireless mode: Use the wireless transmission terminal to transmit the PT secondary voltage signal to the instrument's voltage acquisition section. This replaces the long line connecting the PTs.

Arrester Tester Use Note

1. When taking the reference voltage from the PT for the second time, the wiring should be carefully checked to avoid secondary short circuit of the PT.

2. The voltage signal input line and the current signal input line must not be reversed. If the current signal input line is connected to the secondary side of the PT or the measurement terminal of the test transformer, the instrument may be burned.

3, in the case of input voltage and input current, do not plug in the measurement line, so as not to burn out the instrument.

4. After the instrument is damaged, stop using it immediately. Do not repair it by yourself. If the instrument is not working properly, first check whether the power fuse is blown. Change the type of uniform insurance before continuing the experiment.

5. The instrument must not be placed in a humid and over-temperature environment.

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